Publications (DanLing TANG)


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(I) Peer-reviewed Research Articles



203 Guibin Zhang, Danling Tang*, Hongjie Wen*, Jianyun Chen, Pengfei Wu, An improved two phases-two points SPH model for submerged landslide, Computers and Geotechnics, Volume 176, 2024, 106802, ISSN 0266-352X,
202. Zhengyu HOU*, Danling TANG*, Jianguo LIU, Zhenglin LI, Peng XIAO, Distribution and influencing factors of acoustic characteristics of seafloor sediment in the Sunda Shelf, Journal of Oceanology and Limnology,
201. Book. 隋广军、肖鹞飞(主编),唐丹玲、林丽(副主编),《海洋国际合作研究报告(2023)》蓝皮书,社会科学文献出版社,ISBN 978-7-5228-3274-6. 唐丹玲,周玮辰,分报告 B.2海洋生态环境保护国际合作报告 P30-57.
200. Guangjun Sui, Danling Tang, Ke Yang, Jialing Zou, China's Opening to the World: Models, Stages, and Directions, International Politics, 2024, Vol. 3, No. 1, DOI: 10.24833/2782-7062-2024-3-1-77-101
199. Guibin Zhang, Danling Tang*, Hongjie Wen, Jianyun Chen; A modified weakly compressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics mixture model for accurate simulation of wave and porous structure interaction. Physics of Fluids 1 April 2024; 36 (4): 047128.
198. Cui Hongxing, Tang Danling*, Liu Huizeng, Liu Hongbin, Sui Yi, Lai Yangchen and Gu Xiaowei, Modeling Ocean Cooling Induced by Tropical Cyclone Wind Pump Using Explainable Machine Learning Framework, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 62, pp. 1-17, 2024, Art no. 4202317, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2024.3358374.
197. Wei Shan, Yang Zi, Hedong Chen, Minzhang Li, Min Luo, Than Zaw Oo, Nyein Wint Lwin, Su Htike Aung, Danling Tang, Guangguo Ying, Fuming Chen, Yuan Chen, Coupling redox flow desalination with lithium recovery from spent lithium-ion batteries, Water Research, Volume 252, 2024, 121205, ISSN 0043-1354,
196. Yidong Xiao, Hedong Chen, Minzhang Li, Qinyu He, Than Zaw Oo, Mono Zaw, Nyein Wink Lwin, Kwun Nam Hui, Min Luo, Danling Tang*, Guangguo Ying, Fuming Chen, Ionic liquid redox flow desalination of seawater, Desalination, Volume 574, 2024, 117284, ISSN 0011-9164,
195. Lin, J.; Sun, Q.; Liu, Y.; Ye, H.; Tang, D.*; Zhang, X.; Gao, Y. Sea Surface pCO2 Response to Typhoon “Wind Pump” and Kuroshio Intrusion in the Northeastern South China Sea. Remote Sens. 2024, 16, 123.




194. 邹嘉龄,隋广军,唐丹玲*.南海仲裁案对中国与菲律宾经济联系的影响:基于合成控制法的实证研究[J/OL].世界地理研究:1-13[2023-12-25].
193. 隋广军,郁清漪,唐丹玲.全球气候变化治理制度变迁的逻辑:路径、动力和效能[J/OL].改革,2023(07):57-72[2023-12-04].

192. Hongxing Cui, Danling Tang*, Wei Mei, Hongbin Liu, Yi Sui, Xiaowei Gu, 2023. Predicting the spatial and temporal structure of tropical cyclone-induced sea surface temperature responses using machine learning, Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2023GL104171.

陈伟光,韩雪莹,唐丹玲,(2023),全球海洋治理:一种类型学的分析框架,学术研究. 2023(05)


申明浩,谭伟杰,唐丹玲*,(2023),南海地缘经济合作的贸易促进效应研究——来自境外经贸合作区的证据,国际经贸探索, 第39卷,第6期


林丽,唐丹玲*,(2023),竞合视域下的越南海洋国际合作,战略决策研究, 2023,14(03)



187. Book.  Guest Editor-in-Chief: Danling Tang, Guest Editors: Zhen Sun, Yan Du, Guangjun Sui, Dongyan Liu, 2023, "Special Issue: Geological Environment in the South China Sea,  Journal of Oceanology and Limnology", Volume 41, issue 2, March 2023, Springer. (ISSN: 2096-5508 (Print),  2523-3521 (Online).

186. Tang, D.*, Sun, Z. & Sui, G. Geological environment in the South China Sea. J. Ocean. Limnol. 41, 403–408 (2023).
185. Shao C, Tang D*, Legendre L, Sui Y and Wang H (2023) Vertical distribution of pH in the top ~10 m of deep-ocean sediments: Analysis of a unique dataset. Front. Mar. Sci. 10:1126704. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1126704
184. Hongxing Cui, Danling Tang*, Huizeng Liu, Yi Sui, and Xiaowei Gu.2023. Composite Analysis-Based Machine Learning for Prediction of Tropical Cyclone-Induced Sea Surface Height Anomaly.IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing.
183. Kaixiang Shen, Qinyu He, Qiang Ru, Danling Tang, Than Zaw Oo, Mono Zaw, Nyein Wint Lwin, Su Htike Aung, Swee Ching Tan, Fuming Chen, Flexible LATP composite membrane for lithium extraction from seawater via an electrochemical route, Journal of Membrane Science, Volume 671, 2023, 121358, ISSN 0376-7388,
182. Pengfei WU, Lin WU, Lifeng BAO, Long WANG, Bo WANG, Danling TANG. An internally damped inertial platform for marine gravimetry and a test case in the South China Sea[J]. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2023, 41(2): 816-829


Hou, Z., Tang, D., Xiao, Y. et al. A preliminary study on the acoustic properties of seafloor sediment in the southern U-boundary of the South China Sea. J. Ocean. Limnol. (2023).


Pengfei WU, Lin WU, Lifeng BAO, Long WANG, Bo WANG, Danling TANG. A marine gravimeter based on electromagnetic damping and its tests in the South China Sea[J]. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2023, 41(2): 792-803


Cao, Jingya; Yang, Shengxiong; Tang, Dan Ling; Feng, Junxi; Liang, Jinqiang, 2022, Mg/Ca, Ba/Ca and S/Ca ratios as environmental and growth proxies for bivalve shells from the Haima cold seep, South China Sea, Journal of Oceanology and Limnology


  Thushani Suleka Madhubha Elepathage, Danling Tang*,2019, Detection of pelagic habitats and abundance of skipjack tuna in relation to the environment in the Indian Ocean around Sri Lanka. PeerJ Preprints.
  Thushani Suleka Madhubha Elepathage, Danling Tang*,2019, Environment regime influence on Chlorophyll-a abundance and distribution in North Indian Ocean. PeerJ Preprints.
178. 古小东,陈敏康,洪素丽,唐丹玲*,2022,我国海洋垃圾治理制度的优化—基于美国的经验与借鉴,ENVIRONMENTAL  PROTECTION  Vol. 50 No.21 2022
177. Li Y and Tang D* (2022) Tropical cyclone Wind Pump induced chlorophyll-a enhancement in the South China Sea: A comparison of the open sea and continental shelf. Front. Mar. Sci. 9:1039824.


Yi Sui, Jinyu Sheng, DanLing Tang, Jiuxing Xing, 2022, Study of storm-induced changes in circulation and temperature over the northern South China Sea during Typhoon Linfa, continental shelf research 249 (2022) 104866.


Pathira Arachchilage, K. R. L., Tang, D.*, Yu, J., Wang, S., 2022, A Preliminary Analysis Towards Detecting Floating Marine Macro Plastics Using an Index Developed for Sentinel 2 ACOLITE and Sen2Cor Images, Journal of Geospatial Surveying (2022) 2:2.


Zhaoji Sun, Danling Tang, Qing Li, 2022, "Competitive Strategy of Firms’ Participation in the Global Value Chains and Labor Income Share", Complexity, vol. 2021, Article ID 8716737, 18 pages, 2021.


林静柔,张晓浩,陈蕾,唐丹玲,王江涛.国土空间规划体系下海岸带专项规划的编制重点与策略 [J].规划师,2021(23):5-11.


Yu J, Tang D, Wang S, He L and Pathira Arachchilage KRL (2022) Spatial Distribution and Composition of Surface Microplastics in the Southwestern South China Sea. Front. Mar. Sci. 9:830318.
doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.830318



Guangjun Sui, Jialing Zou, Shuang Wu, and Danling Tang, 2021, Comparative Studies on Trade and Value-Added Trade along the “Belt and Road”: A Network Analysis. Hindawi, Volume 2021, Article ID 3994004, 12 pages.


Liu, S.H.; Yang, Y.J; Tang, D.L*.; Yan, H.; Ning, G.C. Association between the Biophysical Environment in Coastal South China Sea and Large-Scale Synoptic Circulation Patterns: The Role of the Northwest Pacific Subtropical High and Typhoons. Remote Sensing, 2021, 13, 3250.


Y. Liu; J. Zhao; R. Deng; Y. Liang; Y. Gao; Q. Chen; L. Xiong; Y. Liu; Y. Tang; D. Tang*. 2021. A downscaled bathymetric mapping approach combining multitemporal Landsat-8 and high spatial resolution imagery: Demonstrations from clear to turbid waters, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2021, 180: 65-81. (


Haijun Ye, Junmin Li, Bo Li, Junliang Liu, Danling Tang, Wuyang Chen, Hongqiang Yang,Fenghua Zhou, Rongwang Zhang, Sufen Wang and Shilin Tang*,2021,Evaluation of CFOSAT Scatterometer Wind Data in Global Oceans. Remote Sensing


Shuhong Liu, Danling Tang, Hong Yan, Guicai Ning, Chengcheng Liu and Yuanjian Yang(2021). Potential Associations between Low-Level Jets and Intraseasonal and Semi-Diurnal Variations in Coastal Chlorophyll—A over the Beibuwan Gulf, South China Sea, Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 1194.


Liu Yongming, Tang Danling*, Deng, R., Cao, B., Chen, Q., Zhang, R., & Qin, Y. (2021). An adaptive blended algorithm approach for deriving bathymetry from multispectral imagery. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, VOL. 14, 2021. doi:10.1109/JSTARS.2020.3034375


唐丹玲,刘旺,隋广军,王颖,王素芬,2020,《文献计量分析南海及其U形海疆线的遥感研究热点》,热带海洋学报。TANG Danling,LIU Wang,  SUI Guangjun, WANG Ying, WANG Sufen,2020,The bibliometrical analysis of remote sensing research hotspots for the South China Sea and its U-boundary. Journal of Tropical Oceanography


Xiangyu Li, Yangong Zheng, Xiangyan Kong*, Yu peng Liu and Danling Tang, 2020, Research on High-resolution Miniaturized MEMS Accelerometers Interface ASIC. Sensors 2020, 20, 7280;


Xu Huabing, Yu Rongzhen, Liu Yupeng, Tang Danling, Wang Sufen, Fu Dongyang, 2020. Effects of Tropical Cyclones on Sea Surface Salinity in the Bay of Bengal Based on SMAP and Argo Data. Water, 12, 2975, doi:10.3390/w12112975.


LiNa Cai, Juan Bu, Danling Tang *, MinRui Zhou, Ru Yao, ShuYi Huang, 2020. Geosynchronous satellite GF-4 observations of chlorophyll-a distribution details in the Bohai Sea, China. Sensors, 2020, 20, 5471; doi:10.3390/s20195471


Yupeng Liu, Danling Tang*, Shilin Tang, Evgeny Morozov, Wenzhao Liang, Yi Sui, 2020, A case study of Chlorophyll a response to tropical cyclone Wind Pump considering Kuroshio invasion and air-sea heat exchange, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 741, 1 November 2020, 140290.


Lina Cai, Minrui Zhou, Jianqiang Liu, Danling Tang* and Juncheng Zuo, 2020, HY-1C Observations of the Impacts of Islands on Suspended Sediment Distribution in Zhoushan Coastal Waters, China. Remote Sensing. 2020, 12, 1766; doi:10.3390/rs12111766


孙庆杨, 林静柔, 唐丹玲*, 潘刚, 姜兆玉, 2020, 南海海气 CO2 交换对两个热带气旋“风泵”的不同响应机理分析[J]. 生态科学, 2020, 39(3): 9–16. SUN Qingyang, LIN Jingrou, TANG Danling*, PAN Gang,  JIANG Zhaoyu, 2020,  Different mechanisms of air-sea CO2 exchange respond to “Wind Pump” effect of two tropical cyclones[J]. Ecological Science, 2020, 39(3): 9–16.


刘宇鹏,唐丹玲*,梁文钊, 2020. 南海东北部叶绿素 a 浓度对台风“风泵”和黑潮共同作用的响应[J]. 海洋学报,2020,42(7):16–31, doi:10.3969/j.issn.0253−4193.2020.07.002, Liu Yupeng,Tang Danling*,Liang Wenzhao, 2020. Chlorophyll a concentration response to the typhoon “wind pump” and the Kuroshio in the north- eastern South China Sea[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2020, 42(7):16–31,doi:10.3969/j.issn.0253−4193.2020.07.002


H B Xu & D L Tang* ,2020, Responses of dissolved oxygen to Deep Depression BOB 04 based on satellite and Bio-Argo observations in the Bay of Bengal, Indian Journal of Geo Marine Sciences, Vol. 49 (05), May 2020, Pages 724-731.


Thushani SM Elepathage,Danling Tang*,  2020,Relationships Among SST Variability, Physical, and Biological Parameters in the Northeastern Indian Ocean. ATMOSPHERE-OCEAN,iFirst article, 2020, 1–14


Shuhong Liu , Jiagen Li , Liang Sun , Guihua Wang , Danling Tang , Ping Huang , Hong Yan , Si Gao ,Chao Liu, Zhiqiu Gao , Yubin Li , Yuanjian Yang,2020,Basin-wide responses of the South China Sea environment to Super Ty phoon Mangkhut (2018),Science of the Total Environment,Volume 731, 20 August 2020, 139093.


Chunli Liu, Xue Li, Sufen Wang, Danling Tang and Donghe Zhu, 2020, Interannual variability and trends in sea surface temperature, sea surface wind, and sea level anomaly in the South China Sea. 2020, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 2020, VOL. 41, NO. 11, 4160–4173.


LiNa Cai, LiLi Xu, DanLing Tang *, WeiZeng Shao, Yu Liu, JunCheng Zuo, QiYan Ji (2020) ;The effects of ocean temperature gradients on bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) distribution in the equatorial eastern Pacific Ocean; Advances in Space Research , Available online 6 April 2020


HaiJun Ye, Evgeny Morozov, DanLing Tang*, Sufeng Wang, Yupeng Liu, Ying Li, Shilin Tang, 2020. Variation of pCO2 concentrations induced by tropical cyclones “Wind-Pump” in the middle-latitude surface oceans: a comparative study. PLOS ONE, 2020,



Chunli Liu *, Qiwei Sun,  Qianguo Xing, Sufen Wang, Danling Tang , Donghe Zhu, Xiang Xing* ,2019, Variability in phytoplankton biomass and effects of sea surface temperature based on satellite data from the Yellow Sea, China. PLOS ONE.


Thushani Suleka Madhubhashini Elepathage, Danling Tang*, and Leo Oey, 2019. The Pelagic Habitat of Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) in the Changing Environment of the North Indian Ocean. Sustainability 2019, 11, 7070; doi:10.3390/su11247070


Yupeng Liu , Danling Tang * and Morozov Evgeny ,  2019. Chlorophyll concentration response to the typhoon Wind-Pump induced upper ocean processes considering air-sea heat exchange, Remote sensing . 2019, 11, 1825. doi:10.3390/rs11151825


LiNa Cai, Wan Yu, Weizeng Shao , DanLing Tang*, Igor M. Belkin. Satellite Observations of Suspended Sediment near Ningbo North Dyke, China. Advances in Space Research. Volume 64, Issue 7, 1 October 2019, Pages 1415-1422.


Huabing Xu, Danling Tang*, Yupeng Liu,Ying Li.2019. Dissolved oxygen responses to tropical cyclones "Wind Pump" on preexisting
cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies in the Bay of Bengal. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 146 (2019) 838–847


Thushani Suleka Madhubhashini Elepathage, Danling Tang*, 2019,Hydroclimatic changes analysis with remote sensing data in Sri Lankan waters, Journal of marine biology and oceanography. 2019, 8:1


Jing Yu, Qiwei Hu, Danling Tang, Pimao Chen, Environmental effects on the spatiotemporal variability of purpleback flying squid in Xisha-Zhongsha waters, South China Sea, MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES. 2019, 623:25-37, DOI:


Sidrah Hafeez , Man Sing Wong , Hung Chak Ho, Majid Nazeer  , Janet Nichol, Sawaid Abbas, Danling Tang,  Kwon Ho Lee , Lilian Pun. Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms for Retrieval of Water Quality Indicators in Case-II Waters: A Case Study of Hong Kong. Remote sensing . 2019, 11(6), 617; doi:10.3390/rs11060617


Jing Yu*, Qiwei Hu, Danling Tang, Hui Zhao, Pimao Chen. 2019,Response of Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis to marine environmental changes in the north-central South China Sea based on satellite and in situ observations, Plos One , 2019, 14(1)


刘宇鹏唐丹玲*,吴常霞,葛晨东2019.南海U形海疆线的生态环境分区特征[J]. 海洋报, 2019, 41(2): 14—30,doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2019.02.002,  LiuYupeng, TangDanling*, WuChangxia, Ge Chendong, 2019. Zoning of the U-boundary in the South China Sea and its ecological environment characteristics. HaiyangXuebao, 2019,41(2): 14-30, doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2019.02.002
[ Highlights 亮点 ]


Huabing Xu, Danling Tang*, Jinyu Sheng, Yupeng Liu, Yi Sui, 2019. “Study of dissolved oxygen responses to tropical cyclones in the Bay of Bengal based on Argo and satellite observations”, Science of the Total Environment. Volume 659, 1 April 2019, Pages 912-922


HaiJun Ye, Jinyu Sheng, Danling Tang*, Evgeny Morozov, Muhsan Ali Kalhoro, Sufen Wang, Huabing Xu. 2019. Examining the impact  of  tropical  cyclones on air-sea CO2 exchanges in the Bay of Bengal based on satellite data and in-situ observations, Journal of  Geophysical  Research-Oceans. Volume124, Issue1 , January 2019, Pages 555-576. DOI: 10.1029/2018JC014533


Danling TANG*, Jing SUN, Li ZHOU, Sufen WANG, Ramesh SINGH and Gan GPAN ,2018,Ecological Response of Marine Phytoplankton to the Oil Spills in the oceans. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk.





Lin Jingrou, Tang Danling*, Gao Yang, Li Xuerui. 2018. Remote Sensing Analysis on the Classification, Development and Utilization of Coastline in Zhuhai. Ocean Development and Management. 林静柔,唐丹玲*,高杨,李雪瑞,2018. 珠海市海岸线分类及开发利用的遥感分析. 海洋开发与管理.


Evgeny Morozov, DanLing Tang*, 2018, Satellite Ocean Colour Algorithm for Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus, and Picoeukaryotes Concentration Retrieval in the South China Sea, Advances in Space Research. 63 (2019) 16–31


WenzhaoLiang, DanlingTang*, Xin Luo, 2018, Phytoplankton size structure in the western South China Sea under the influence of a ‘jet-eddy system, Journal of Marine Systems,Volume 187, November 2018, Pages 82-95


Danushka FERNANDO,  TANGDanLing*,  XUHuabing,  2018. “The propensity of chlorophyll-a , sea surface temperature and wind speed in the Bay of Bengal” Journal of Nanjing University of information Science and Technology.DOI: 10.13878/j.cnki.jnuist.2018.03.009


Thushani Suleka Madhubhashini ELEPATHAGE, TANG DANLING*,  WANG SU FEN, 2018, Abundance of  marlins in relation to sea surface temperature in Sri Lanka ocean, Journal of Nanjing University of information Science and Technology ( Natural Science Edition ), 2018,10 (3). DOI: 10.13878/j.cnki.jnuist.2018.03.001


MF Liu, HS Zhang, GH Lin, H Lin,Danling Tang,2018,Zonation and Directional Dynamics of Mangrove Forests Derived from Time-Series Satellite Imagery in Mai Po, Hong Kong. Sustainability. 


Shihong Chen, Danling Tang, Xiaoqing Liu, Chunhua Hu, 2018, Assessment of tropical cyclone disaster loss in Guangdong Province based on combined model, Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk (TGNH), DOI: 10.1080/19475705.2018.1447024,


HJ Ye, M A Kalhoro, J Sun, Danling Tang*, 2018, Chlorophyll blooms induced by tropical cyclone Vardah in the Bay of Bengal, Indian Journal of Geo  Marine Sciences .
129. Luo, X., Jiao, J. J., Liu, Y., Zhang X., Liang, W. & Tang, D.L (2017). Evaluation of water residence time, submarine groundwater discharge and maximum new production supported by groundwater borne nutrients in a coastal upwelling shelf system. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans.
129B Sui Y, Sheng J, Ohashi K, and YS Wu, 2017. Circulation, dispersion and hydrodynamic connectivity over the Scotian Shelf and adjacent waters. Satellite Oceanography and Meteorology, 2(2): 321.
128. Tang DanLing*, Liu YuPeng, Hao XiaoGuang, Wu ChangXia, Wang SuFen, Yin YuWei, 2017, A newly-discovered historical map using both national boundary and administrative line to represent the U-boundary in the South China Sea. Chinese Science Bulletin. 唐丹玲*,刘宇鹏,郝晓光,吴常霞,王素芬,殷宇威, 2017,国界线和行政区线表示南海U形海疆线的地图. 科学通报,doi:10.1360/N972017-00440.
Highlights 亮点 ]
127. YANG Chaoyu, TANG Danling, YE Haibin, 2017, A study on retrieving chlorophyll concentration by using GF-4 data, JOURNAL OF TROPICAL OCEANOGRAPHY, doi:10.11978/2017008. 杨超宇, 唐丹玲, 叶海彬,2017, 基于GF-4 遥感数据的叶绿素浓度反演算法研究, 热带海洋学报, 36 (5): 33-39.


Qingyang Sun, Danling Tang*, Gad Levy, Ping Shi, 2017, Variability of Aerosol Optical Thickness in the Tropical Indian Ocean and South China Sea during Spring Intermonsoon Season, International Journal of Remote Sensing. Volume 39, 2018 - Issue 13, Pages 4531-4549


HJ Ye, M A Kalhoro, M Evgenya, DanLing Tang*, SF Wang, P R. Thies, 2018, Increased Chlorophyll-a Concentration in the South China Sea Caused by Occasional Sea Surface Temperature Fronts at Peripheries of Eddies. International Journal of Remote Sensing.Volume 39, 2018 - Issue 13, Pages 4360-4375

124. YW Yin, DanLing Tang*, YW Liu, 2017, Remote Sensing of Spatial and temporal distribution of suspended sediment nearby Nansha Islands in the South China Sea. Remote Sensing Technology and Application, 殷宇威,唐丹玲*, 刘宇鹏, 2017,南海岛礁附近悬浮泥沙时空分布特征的遥感研究. 遥感技术与应用。
123. Wei ZJ, Ma HL, DanLing Tang*, 2017, Trend Assessment of Typhoon Disasters Based on the Improved Entropy Method, Journal of  Catastrophology, 32(3): 7-11. 魏章进,马华铃,唐丹玲*, 2017,基于改进熵值法的台风灾害风险趋势评估, 灾害学,2017年7月,32卷3期, P. 7-11. 
 122. Haijun Ye, Jinyu Sheng, Danling Tang*, Eko Siswanto, Muhsan Ali Kalhoro, Yi Sui., 2017. “Storm-induced changes in pCO2 at the sea surface over the northern South China Sea during Typhoon Wutip”. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans.
 121. Muhsan Ali Kalhoro, Danling Tang*, Ye Hai Jun, Morozov Evgeny, et al., 2017. “Population dynamics of Randall’s threadfin bream Nemipterus  randalli from Pakistani waters, northern Arabian Sea”. Indian J. Geo-Marine Science, 46(03): 551-561.
 120. Gang Pan, Fei Chai, DanLing TANG, Dondxiao Wang, 2017, Marine phytoplankton biomass responses to typhoon events in the South China Sea     based on physical-biogeochemical model.  Ecological Modelling.Volume 356, 24 July 2017, Pages 38-47, ISSN 0304-3800,     
 119. Eko Siswanto, DanLing Tang, Haijun Ye, 2017, "Detailed Spatiotemporal Impacts of El Niño on Phytoplankton Biomass in the South China Sea" , Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans.
118. Dongyang Fu, DanLing Tang*, Gad Levy,2017,The impacts of 2008 snowstorm in China on the ecological environments in the Northern ,           South China Sea,Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk.
 117. Muhsan Ali Kalhoro, Danling Tang*, Ye HJ, Morozov Evgeny, SF Wang, Muhammad Aslam Buzdar, 2017,Fishery Appraisal of family Portunidae Portunus spp. using different surplus production models from Pakistani waters, Northern Arabian Sea, Pakistan J Zoology.50(1):135-141,DOI :
116. SONG Yongjun, TANG DanLing*2017. Mixed layer depth responses to tropical cyclones Kalmaegi and Fung-Wong in the northeastern  South China Sea. Journal of Tropical Oceanography. 宋勇军, 唐丹玲*, 2016, 南海东北部混合层深度对热带气旋海鸥和凤凰的响应, 热带海洋学报
115a 软件. 陈仕鸿,唐丹玲等,2016,广东台风路径查询与损失评估系统V1.0
115. Yueqi Wang, Dongyan Liu,  DanLing Tang, 2016, Application of a generalized additive model (GAM) for estimating chlorophyll-a concentration from MODIS data in the Bohai and Yellow Seas, China, International Journal of Remote Sensing, ID: 1268733 DOI:10.1080/01431161.2016.1268733.  38 (3):639–661
114. Liang Wenzhao, Tang Danling*, Distribution characteristics of phytoplankton size structure in the western South China Sea in summer.  Journal of Tropical Oceanology; 梁文钊,唐丹玲*, 2016,南海西部夏季表层浮游植物粒径结构分布特征分析, 热带海洋学报.
113. Changgao Shao, Yi Sui, Danling Tang*, Louis Legendre, 2016, Spatial variability of surface-sediment porewater pH and related water-column characteristics in deep waters of the northern South China Sea [J], Progress in Oceanography (SCI).149 (2016) 134–144
112. Sun Jing, Tang DanLing*, Pan Gang, 2016,Detections of oil spills in the South China Sea using Radarsat2 satellite quad-polarization data [J]. Remote Sensing Technology and Application, 孙景,唐丹玲*,潘刚. 2016,Radarsat2全极化数据在监测南海溢油事件中的方法研究[J]. 遥感技术与应用2016,31(6):1181G1189.doi:10.11873/j.issn.1004G0323.2016.6.1181
111. 刘晓庆,陈仕鸿,唐丹玲*,杨泳辉, 2016,区间误差评价法及其应用, 统计与决策201 6 年第1 期·总第445 期:
84-86, OI:10.13546/j.cnki.tjyjc.2016.01.022. 
110. YanJu Hao, DanLing Tang*, Laura Boicenco, Sufen Wang, 2016, Environmental Ecological Response to Increasing Water Temperature in the Daya Bay, Southern China in 1982-2012, Natural Resources (SCI).2016, 7, 184-192
109. Peng Yajun, Wang Yujue, Liu Dongyan  Danling Tang2015Acid treatment effects on the carbon stable isotope values of marine sediments. 
王玉珏,刘东艳,唐丹玲, 2015. 酸化过程对海洋沉积物中有机碳同位素分析的影响. 海洋学报
108. Qianguo Xing, Chuanmin Hu, Danling Tang, Liqiao Tian, Shilin Tang, Xiao Hua Wang, Mingjing Lou,Xuelu Gao,2005,World’s Largest Macroalgal Blooms Altered Phytoplankton Biomass in Summer in the Yellow Sea: Satellite Observations,Remote Sens. 2015, 7, 12297-12313; doi:10.3390/rs70912297
107. Lina Cai, DanLing Tang*, Levy Gad, DongYan Liu, 2015, Remote sensing of the impacts of construction in coastal waters on suspended particulate matter concentration - the case of the Yangtze River Delta, China. International Journal of Remote Sensing.doi:10.1080/01431161.2015.1121302
106. Lina Caia, DanLing Tang*, Xiaofeng Li, Hong Zheng, Weizeng Shao, 2015, Remote sensing of spatial-temporal distribution of suspended sediment and analysis of related environmental factors in Hangzhou Bay, China. Remote Sensing Letters. SCI. 2015, Vol. 6, No. 8, 597–603,
105. Book. GuangJun Sui, DanLing Tang*, 2015, Typhoon Disaster Assessment and Emergency Management, Science Press. Beijing, China.  ISBN 978-7-03-044704-3.    隋广军,唐丹玲,2015.《台风灾害 评估与应急管理》。科技出版社,北京,中国。Highlights 亮点
104. LiNa Cai,DanLing Tang*, CongYing Li, 2015, An investigation of spatial variation of suspended sediment concentration induced by a bay bridge based on Landsat TM and OLI data, Advances in Space Research (SCI).56 (2015) 293–303
103. LIN Jingrou, TANG Danling* , LOU Quansheng, Pan Gang,2015,The impact of Super Typhoon Nanmadol on the chlorophyll a, temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen in the northern South China Sea。Ecological Science。林静柔,唐丹玲* ,娄全胜,潘刚,2015,超级台风“南玛都”对南海北部叶绿素a、温盐及溶解氧的影响,生态学报。
102. ZhongzhenYan, Yi Sui, Jinyu Sheng, and DanlingTang*, I-I Lin. 2015,Changes in local oceanographic and atmospheric conditions shortly after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. Ocean Dynamics. SCI  DOI 10.1007/s10236-015-0838-6 (2015) 65:905–918
101. E. Morozov, D. Kondrik, A. Fedorova, D. Pozdnyakov, D.L Tang, and L. Petterssone,2015, A spaceborne assessment of cyclone impacts on©Barents Sea surface temperature and chlorophy. International Journal of Remote Sensing . SCI .36(7):1921-1941,DOI:10.1080/01431161.
100. Yu Jing, Che PM, DanLing Tang, CX Qin, 2015. Ecological effects of artificial reefs in Daya Bay of China observed from satellite and in situ measurements. Advances in Space Research. SCI.55 (2015) 2315–2324
99. LiNa Cai, DanLing Tang* , CongYing Li , 2014, SATELLITE OBSERVATION OF CHANGES IN SUSPENDED SEDIMENT INDUCED BY A BAY BRIDGE。Proc. Dragon 3 Mid-Term Results Symposium, Chengdu, P.R. China 26–29 May 2014 (ESA SP-724, November 2014)。EI
98. YE Haijun, TANG Danling, PAN Gang. 2014. The Contribution of Typhoon Megi on Phytoplankton and Fishery Productivity in the South China Sea[J]. Ecological Science, 2014, 33(4): 叶海军, 唐丹玲, 潘刚,2014,强台风鲶鱼对中国南海浮游植物及渔业资源的影响. 生态科学, 2014, 7. 33卷第4:
97. Book. DanLing TANG, Guangjun SUI , 2014, "Typhoon Impact and Crisis Management", Springer. (ISBN: 978-3-642-40694-2 (Print),  978-3-642-40695-9 (Online).;
96. Qingyang Sun, Danling Tang*, Louis Legendre, Ping Shi, 2014, Enhanced sea-air CO2 exchange influenced by a tropical depression in  the South China Sea, JGR-Ocean. 119, doi:10.1002/2014JC010131
95.  SF Wang, DanLing Tang*, 2014, Preliminary remote sensing observation of sea surface temperature increase during Ulva prolifera blooms,  Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management 17 (2014) 299–304,SCI
 94. 周利,唐丹玲*,孙景,2013*. 海洋溢油后浮游植物藻华观测分析和机制探讨. 生态科学, 32卷 第6期,692-702ZHOU Li ,
TANG Danling*,  Sun Jing.2013.Investigation of marine phytoplankton blooms after the oil spills in the seas.
2013, 32(6): 692-702.
 93. Jie Yu, Danling Tang*, Guobao Chen, ,Yongzhen Li, Zirong Huang, Sufen Wang, 2014, The positive effects of typhoons on the fish fish catch per unit effort (CPUE) in the South China Sea. Continental Shelf Research.8420141-12. doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2014.04.025
92. Xinfeng ZHANG, Fuxiang HU, Jian ZHANG, DANLING TANG*, 2014, Northward drift of suspended sediment concentration in the Yangtze estuary in spring. International Journal of Remote Sensing.
91. Jingrou Lin, Danling Tang* Werner Alpers, Sufen Wang 2014. Response of dissolved oxygen and related marine ecologicalparameters to a tropical cyclone in the South China SeaAdvances in Space Research
90. Jiu-Juan Wang, DanLing TANG, 2014, Phytoplankton patchiness during spring intermonsoon in western coast of South China Sea , Deep-Sea Research Part II. 101(2014)120–128, 10.1016/j.dsr2.2013.09.020 (SCI)
89. CHEN Shi-hong,TANG Danling*,SUI Guang-jun.2013,Estimating of typhoon disaster loss for Guangdong Province based on SVR model[J]. Marine Environmental Science,2013,32(6):939-943. 陈仕鸿,唐丹玲*,隋广军.基于SVR的广东省台风灾害损失评估[J].海洋环境科学,
88. HaiJun YE, DanLing TANG*,2013, A Three-Component Model of Phytoplankton Size Classes for The South China Sea. Malaysian Journal of Science, 319-326
87. LIU XQ, TANG DanLing, SUI GJ, CHEN SH, 2013, Tropical Cyclone Disaster Evaluation in Guangdong Province based on Elman Neural Network model. MATHEMATICS IN PRACTICE AND THEORY. (CSCD)."利用Elman神经网络模型评估广东热带气旋灾情"数学的实践与认识Vol43(16):104-111 
86b. Yi Sui and Yakov D Afanasyev,2013, Buoyancy storms in a zonal stream on the polar beta-plane: experiments with altimetry,Physics of Fluids, Phys. Fluids, 25, 066604 (2013); doi: 10.1063/1.4811804
86. HaiJun. Ye, Yi. Sui, Danling. Tang, Y. D. Afanasyev,2013, A Subsurface Chlorophyll a Bloom Induced by Typhoon in the South  China Sea. Journal of Marine Systems(SCI).  128 (2013) 138–145
85. Jie Yu , Danling Tang, Yongzhen Li , Zirong Huang, Guobao Chen2013Increase in fish abundance during two typhoons in the South China   SeaAdvances in Space Research (SCI)51(2013):1734-1749
84a. 软件. 广东外语外贸大学,中国科学院南海海洋研究所, 2012,重大台风灾害应急响应集成系统v1.0
84. Hui Zhao, Dandan Sui, Qiang Xie, Guoqi Han, Dongxiao Wang, Nancy Chen, DanLing Tang 2012, Distribution and interannual variation of winter phytoplankton blooms northwest of Luzon Islands from satellite observations. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, 15:1, 53-61, DOI: 10.1080/14634988.2012.648875
83. Sui Guangjun Tang Danling,2012,Typhoon Disasters and Regional Economic Divergence: Evidence from Guangdong, MACROECONOMY。
220.  2012(6)18-25. coverpage hightlight paper 隋广军唐丹玲,2012.台风灾害与地区经济差距:粤省证据。改革。总第220 期. 2012 (6)18-25., 封面论文.

ZhangJin Wei, GuangJun Sui, DanLing Tang*, Typhoon Disaster Statistical assessment Based on Cluster and Econometric Model., Application

of Statistics and Management. 魏章进 隋广军* 唐丹玲* 基于聚类与回归方法的台风灾情统计评估,  数理统计与管理.网络出版时间.2012-10-26 11:25.

81. Aimin Yang, Guangjun Sui, DanLing TANG, Jianghao Lin, He Chen, 2012, An Intelligent Decision Support System for Typhoon Disaster Management.  Journal of Computational Information System. 8:16(2012) 6705-6712. (EI)
80. Yanju HAO, Danling TANG*, Laura BOICENCO. Vatiations od phytoplankton community structure in response to increasing water temperature in Daya Bay, China. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, Vol.13, No.3A:1721-1729 (2012).  (
journal-content ),(SCI)
79. Sui Guangjun, Pu Huiying, 2012, Index System of Vulnerability by Typhoon in Coastal Areas and Emergency Management Stategies。
隋广军蒲惠荧, 2012, 沿海地区受台风影响的易损性指标体系与应急管理策略*, 改革,2012 年第3 期总第217 期,145-154。
78. Zhanjiang We, Guangjun Sui, Danling Tang*2012An overview of progress and approaches on typhoon disaster assessmentThe Journal of  Disaster  Science台风灾情评估进展及方法评述,2012, 魏章进1 隋广军2唐丹玲3*.灾害学。  核心,中国科学引文CSCD-E
77. Chen ShiHong, Sui GuangJun, Tang DanLing, 2012, A Model of Typhoon Disaster Comprehensive Evaluation and Its Application. The Journal of  Disaster Science. Vol27(2): 87-91. 陈仕鸿 隋广军 唐丹玲, 2012,一种台风灾情综合评估模型及应用。灾害学 Vol27(2): 87-91. 核心
 76. ChunLi Liu, DanLing Tang, 2012, Spatial and Temporal Variations in Algal Blooms in the coastal waters of the western South China Sea, Journal of Hydro-environment Research (SCI). DOI: 10.1016/j.jher.2012.02.002. In press .6(3): 239–247. September 2012."
74. Gang Pan, DanLing TANG,and Yuanzhi ZHANG2012, "Satellite monitoring of phytoplankton in the East Mediterranean Sea after the 2006 Lebanon oil spill" , International Journal of Remote Sensing. Vol. 33, No. 23, 10 December 2012, 7482–7490。SCI)
 73. Yongqiang CHEN, DANLING TANG, 2012, Eddy-feature phytoplankton bloom induced by tropical cyclone in the South China  Sea, International Journal of Remote Sensing. Vol. 33, No. 23, 10 December 2012, 7444–7457.(SCI)
72. QingYang Sun, DanLing Tang, Sufen WANG, 2012,Remote sensing observations relevant to ocean-acidification. International Journal of   Remote Sensing.  Vol. 33, No. 23, 10 December 2012, 7542–7558 .(SCI)
71. Book. Tang DanLing, March 2011, Remote Sensing of the Changing Oceans,Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-16541-2 (ebook), ISBN 978-3-642-16540-5(print book).
 70. Wang-KunChen, GuangjunSui, DanLingTANG,2011, Predicting the Economic Loss of Typhoon by case Base Reasoning and Fuzzy Theory. Procedding of the 2011 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Guilin, 10-13 July,  China .pp 254-257。 (EI)
69. Wang-KunChen, GuangjunSui, DanLingTANG2011, A Fuzzy Intelligent Decision Support System for Typhoon Disaster  management. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, June 27-30, 2011. Taipei, Taiwan. pp 364- 367。 (EI)
68. Wei Zhangjin, DanLing TANG, 2011, A Statistical study of Origin and Strength of Tropical Cyclone on the North Pacific. Journal Of applied Statistics and Management. 2011,Vol.30, ,No 3:512-521. 魏章进 唐丹玲, 2011, 西北太平洋热带气旋源地、强度及其关联性的统计研究 数理统计与管理。(核心期刊)Vol.30, ,No 3:512-521.
67. HAO Yanju, TANG Danling, YU Long, XING Qianguo,2011,Nutrients and chlorophyll-a anomalies in red-tide periods of  2003-2008 in the Sishili Bay, China,Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology,Vol. 29 No. 3, P. 00-00, 2011.(SCI E)
66. Sheng YL, Tang DL, Pan G, 2011, Phytoplankton bloom over the Northwest Shelf of Australia after the Montara oil spill in 2009. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk.Vol. 2, No. 4, December 2011, 329–347。DOI: 10.1080/19475705.2011.564213. ISSN 1947-5705
 65. GuangJun Sui, DanLing Tang, Chen He,2010, Economic Influence of Typhoon Catastrophe and the Construction of Recovery System.
International Economics and Trade Research,2010,Vol.26 (2): 32-36.(In Chinese)
64. XinFeng Zhang, DanLing Tang, ZiZhen Li & XiaoJie Dai1,2010mSpatio-temporal dynamics of suspended sediment concentration during the 2004 Sumatra tsunami.Indian Journal of Marine Sciences.Vol 38, No.2 page "313-322"(SCI)
63. Hao YanJu, Tang DanLing, 2010, Changes in ohytoplankton community structure in response to water temperature increase in Daya Bay, China. Ecology and Environmental Sciences. 2010, 19 (8): 1794-1800. (In Chinese) . 郝彦菊,唐丹玲 ,2010《大亚湾浮游植物群落结构的变化及其对水温上升的响应》生态环境学报 (核心期刊)(2010, 19(8): 1794-  1800
62. Yang XX, DanLing TANG, 2010, Location of Sea Surface Temperature Cooling Induced by Typhoons in the South China Sea. Journal of Tropical Oceanography. In Chinese. (2010) Vol.29, No.4 , p.26-31.;
 61. Chen W. K., G. J. Sui, D. L. Tang, D. L. Cai, J. S. Wang, 2010, Study of environmental risk management by multivariable analysis of pattern structureProceedings of The Fourth International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management  (pp. 3-7). ISBN 978-1-84626-003-2, England, UK(EI)
60. Wang JJ, DanLing TANG, Yi SUI, 2010, Winter phytoplankton bloom induced by subsurface upwelling and mixed layer entrainment southwest of Luzon Strait. Journal of Marine Systems 83 (2010) 141–149 (SCI). doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys. 2010.05.006.
 59. YanLi Pan, DanLing Tang, and Dehe Weng, 2010, Evaluations of SeaWiFS and MODIS Chlorophyll a algorithms in summer season for the Northern South China Sea.  Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci. Journal (SCI).  Vol. 21, No. 6, 997-1005, Dec. 2010.
58. Zheng XF, DanLIng Tang,et al.,2009, "Analysis of the spatio-temporal distribution of chlorophyll-a in the eastern Indian Ocean near the time of the 2004 South-Asian tsunami",International Journal of Remote Sensing (SCI), Vol. 31, Nos. 17–18,  September 2010, 4579–4593
 57. Sufen Wang, Danling Tang. Remote Sensing of Day/Night Sea Surface Temperature Difference Related to Phytoplankton Blooms,2010, International Journal of Remote Sensing.(SCI) 20103117-18):4569-4578
56. Pan Gang, Tang DanLing*,2010, Damage Information Derived from Multi-sensor Data of the Wenchuan (China) Earthquake of  May 2008, International Journal of Remote Sensing (SCI). Vol. 31, No. 13, 10 July 2010, 3509–3519,DOI: 10.1080/01431161003730865, URL:
 55. Yongchang Ouyang, Shikun Dai & Lianwu Xie, M. S. Ravi Kumar, Wei Sun, Huimin Sun, Danling Tang, Xiang Li ,2009, Isolation of High Molecular Weight DNA from Marine Sponge Bacteria for BAC Library  Construction, Mar Biotechnol (SCI)), DOI 10.1007/s10126-009-9223-0
54. Pan YanLi,Danling Tang , 2009, General introduction to setellite remote sensing of coral reef bleaching. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2009 Sep, Vol 29, No 9 . pp5076-5080.(In Chinese)
53. Wuchang Zhang, Danling Tang, Bo Yan, Shangwu Gao, Jun Sun,Zhencheng Tao, Song Sun, Xiuren Ning, Onshore-offshore variations of copepod community in northern South China Sea Hydrobiologia (SCI)DOI 10.1007/s10750-009-9955-x.
52. CL Liu, DanLing TANG, et al., Variations in Dominant Algal Species of Blooms during 1993-2007 in the Western South China Sea, African Journal of Marine Science (AJMS) (SCI) 31(3): 373–380.
 51. Jing Yu,DanLing Tang, LiJun Yao, PiMao Chen1 XiaoPing Jia, CunHou Li Long-term Water Temperature Variations in Daya Bay,  China Using Satellite and In Situ Observations,Terr. Atmos. Ocean. 2009  (SC). Vol. 21, No. 2, 393-399,  doi:10.3319/TAO.2009.05.26.01(Oc)
 50. H Zhao, DanLing TANG, DX Wang, 2009, Phytoplankton blooms near the Pearl River Estuary induced by Typhoon Nuri, Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans. VOL. 114, C12027, doi:10.1029/2009JC005384, 2009 SCI 
49. XinFeng Zhang, DanLing Tang*, ZiZhen Li, FengPan Zhang, 2009, The effects of wind and rainfall on suspended sediment concentration related to the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 58(2009),pp1367-1373 SCI.
48. Ravi Kumar, DanLing TANG, N Ramaiah, 2009, Morphometry and cell volumes of diatoms from a tropical estuary, Indian Journal of Marine Sciences (SCI), Vol.38 (2), June 2009, pp.160-165
47. Pan Gang and DanLing TANG, 2009, Satellite investigations of the May 12 Sichuan Earthquake in the southwest China , Eos, Vol. 90, No. 16, 21 April 2009.
46. DanLing TANG, H ZHAO, B. Satyanarayana, GM ZHENG, RP. SINGH,JH LV, 2009, Enhancement of Chlorophyll-a in the Northeastern Indian  Ocean after the 2004 South Asian Tsunami, Int. J. Remote Sensing doi10.1080/01431160802603778 (SCI) Vol.30 (17):4553-4565
45. Chao-Yang Fang, Hui Lin, Qing Xu, DanLing Tang, Wong-Chiu Anthony Wang, Jun-Xian Zhang, and Yick-Cheung Matthew Pang, 2008, Online Generation and Dissemination of Disaster Information Based on Satellite Remote Sensing Data, W2GIS 2008,  LNCS 5373, pp. 63-74, 2008. (EI)
44. Danling Tang , Z.Z. Yan and H. Zhao (2008). Remote sensing of ocean hazard influences on marine ecosystem. Journal of  Biotechnology. Volume 136, Supplement 1, doi:10.1016/j.jbiotec.2008.07.1227 (SCI)
43. Zhao H, DanLingTang, Wang Y. 2008, Comparison of phytoplankton blooms triggered by two typhoons with different intensities and translation speeds in the South China Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series (MEPS)365:57-65, 2008.  dio:10.3354/meps07488  (SCI)
42. ZZ Yan, Danling Tang, 2008, Changes in Suspended sediments Associated with 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami. Journal of  Advances in Space Research (43(2009) 89-95) [ (SCI) Nature China Highlight]
41. SuFen Wang, DanLing Tang, FangLiang He, Yasuwo Fukuyo,  Rhodora Azanza, 2008, Occurrences of Harmful algal blooms  (HABs) associated with ocean environments in the South China Sea, Hydrobiologia , DOI 10.1007/s10750-007-9059-4, (2008)  596:79-93 (SCI)
40. Wei GF, DL Tang, SF Wang, 2008,Distribution of Chlorophyll and Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs): A review on space based  studies in the coastal environments of Chinese marginal seas. Advances in Space Research. 2008,12-19.(SCI)
39. He, F. and Tang, D.L. 2008, Estimating the niche preemption parameter of the geometric series. Acta Oecologica 33(2008)105-107 (SCI)
38. Danling Tang, Sufen Wang, BaoPing Di. 2007, Long-time observations of harmful algal blooms in the coastal waters of the South   China Sea. Recent Advances in Marine Science and Technology, pp: 127-134. Published by Pacon International, Honolulu,Hawaii,   U.S.A. and Myanmar Maritime University, Yangon, Myanmar,Edited by Narendra Saxena.ISBN 0-9634343-7-3.
37. Yan ZZ, WQ Wang, DL Tang, 2007. Effect of different time of salt stress on growth and some physiological processes of  Avicennia marina seedlings. Mar Biol 152:581-587. DOI 10.1007/s00227-007-0710-4. (SCI)
 36. R.PSingh, Cervone, Kafatos, Prasad, Sahoo, Sun, DanLing Tang and Yang, 2007, Multi-sensor studies of the Sumatra earthquake and tsunami of 26 Dcember 2004, International J of remote sensing, Vol 28, Nos. 13-14, 2885-2896. (SCI)
35. Jing Yu, DanLing Tang, Im-Sang Oh, Li-Jun Yao, 2007. Response of Harmful Algal Blooms to environmental changes in Daya Bay, China. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. 18(5): 1011-1027 (SCI)
34.  Jing Yu, DanLing Tang,SF Wang, JS Lian, YS Wang, 2007. Changes of water temperature and harmful algal bloom in Daya Bay in the northern South China Sea.Marine Science Bulletin. Vol.9 No.2,26-33
33. Pan YanLi, DanLing TANG, 2007. Preliminary observations of Nansha Reefs based on Landsat7 ETM+ images. J of Tropical Oceanography, 26(1), 87-88.

Hui ZHAO and DanLing TANG, 2007, Effect of 1998 El Nino on the distribution of phytoplankton in the South  China Sea, J. of Geophysical Research (Ocean). (SCI) 112, C02017, doi:10.1029/2006JC003536

31. Guangming Zheng and Danling Tang, 2007, Offshore and nearshore chlorophyll increases induced by typhoon and typhoon rain. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 33361-742007 (SCI)  
29. DanLing Tang, B. Satyanarayana Zhao H,. P.R. Sing, Preliminary analysis of the influence of Sumatra Tsunami on Indian Ocean:  chlorophyll-a and SST . Advances in Geosciences. Volume 5: Ocean and Atmospheres, page: 15-20. ISBN 981-256-981-2. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte.Ltd. Editor-in-Chief: Wing-Huen Ip 
28. Zhao H, Tang DanLing, 2005. The spatial distribution of chlorophyll-a and its responses to oceanographic environments in the South China Sea.
Advances in Geosciences.
Volume 5: Ocean and Atmospheres, page: 7-14. ISBN 981-256-981-2. World Scientific  Publishing Co. Pte.Ltd. Editor-in-Chief: Wing-Huen Ip.
 27. Tang DanLing, H Kawamura, P Shi, W Takahashi, T Shimada, F. Sakaida, O Isoguchi, 2005. Seasonal phytoplankton blooms  associated with monsoonal influences and coastal environments in the sea areas either side of the Indochina Peninsula. JGR-Biogeo (SCI, IF: 2.63). VOL. 111, G01010, doi:10.1029/2005JG000050, 2006.
 26. Zhao, H., DanLing Tang, and S.F. Wang, 2005, Spatial distribution of chlorophyll a concentration in summer in western South China Sea and its response to oceanographic environmental factors. Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 24(6), 31-37 (in Chinese).
25. DanLing Tang, H Kawamura, IS Oh, Joe Baker,2005, Satellite evidence of harmful algal blooms and related oceanographic features in the Bohai Sea during autumn 1998. Advances in Space Research. SCI , 37 (2006) 681-689
 24. Yang Y. F., Li C. H., Nie X. P.Tang D. L. Chung I. K. Development of mariculture and its impacts in Chinese coastal waters. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. 2004 (14): 1-10. (SCI, Impact factor: 2.379)
23. DanLing Tang, H Kawamura, Hai Doan-Nhu, W Takahashi , 2004. Remote sensing oceanography of a harmful algal bloom  (HAB) off  the coast of southeastern Vietnam. J. of Geophysical Research (Ocean).Vol 109, doi:10.1029/2003JC002045, 2004   (SCI, Impact factor: 2.61). AGU journal highlight paper. 【AGU hightling review comments】
22. DanLing Tang, H Kawamura, TV Dien. MA Lee, 2004. Offshore phytoplankton biomass increase and its oceanographic causes in the South China Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 268: 31-41. (SCI, Impact factor: 2.038). MEPS.
21. J. HU, H Kawamura, Danling TANG. 2003. Tidal front around the Hainan Island, northwest of the South China Sea. J. of  Geophysical Research (Ocean). 108  (C11): 3342, doi:10.1029 /2003JC001883 (SCI, Impact factor: 2..61).
20. DanLing Tang, I-H. Ni, FE. Müller-Karger, IS. Oh. 2004. Monthly variation of pigment concentrations and seasonal winds in China's marginal seas. Hydrobiologia. 511: 1-15.  (*SCI,Impact factor: 0.61. )
19* DanLing Tang, DR. Kester, I-H Ni, YZ Qi, H Kawamura, 2003, In situ and satellite observations of a harmful algal bloom and water condition at the Pearl River Estuary in late autumn 1998. Harmful Alga. 2: 89-99. (SCI)
18 DanLing Tang, HKawamura, MA Lee, TV Dien, 2003. Seasonal and spatial distribution of chlorophyll a and water conditions in the Gulf of Tonkin, South China Sea. Remote Sensing of Environment. 85(4), 475-483. ( SCI,Impact factor: 2.198).  

DanLing Tang, H Kawamura, L Guan.2004. Annual variation of Taiwan Strait upwelling in summer season. Advances in Space Research. 333):307-312. (SCI, Impact factor: 0.462)

16. TV Dien, DanLing Tang, H Kawamura. 2003. Validation of SeaWiFS derived Chlorophyll-a Concentration in the Vietnam Water. Marine  Environment and Resources. Vol.9: 75-87 
15. DanLing Tang, DR Kester, ZD Wang, JS Lian. H. Kawamura. 2003. AVHRR Satellite remote sensing and shipboard measurements of the thermal plume from the Daya Bay, Nuclear Power Station, China. Remote Sensing of Environment. 84 (4): 506-515. ( SCI,Impact factor: 2.197 )


14* DanLing Tang, DR Kester, I-H Ni, H Kawamura, HS Hong. 2002. Upwelling in the Taiwan Strait during the summer monsoon  detected by  satellite and shipboard measurements. Remote Sensing of Environment 83 (3): 457-471. ( SCI),Impact factor: 2.197. 
13. DanLing Tang & H Kawamura. 2002 Ocean color monitoring of coastal environments in the Asian waters. Journal of the Korea Society of   Oceanography. 37 (3): 154-159 (SCI
12* DanLing Tang H Kawamura, A. J. Luis. 2002. Short-term variability of phytoplankton blooms associated with a cold eddy on the North-western  Arabian Sea. Remote Sensing of Environment, 81(1): 82-89. (  SCI,Impact factor: 2.197 ).
11. DanLing Tang, I-H Ni, DR Kester, FE Müller-Karger. 1999. Remote sensing observation of winter phytoplankton blooms southwest of the Luzon  Strait in thine Ecology Progress Series 191: 43-51. ( SCI
10. DanLing Tang I-H Ni, FE Müller-Karger, ZJ Liu. 1998. Analysis of annual and spatial patterns of CZCS-Derived pigment concentrations on the  continental shelf of China. Continental Shelf Research 18: 1493-1515. (SCI,Impact factor: 1.093 )  

DanLing Tang, I-H Ni. 1996. Remote sensing of Hong Kong waters: spatial and temporal changes of sea surface temperatures. Acta Oceanographical Taiwan 35(2): 173-186


DanLing Tang, WS Tang. 1995. Research on fermentation of peanut milk by lactic acid bacteria:influence of  conditions on peanuts milk fermentation. Research & Utilization of Microbiology, 2:14-18 (In Chinese)

7. DanLing Tang, SZ Yan, YQ Liang, YJ Zeng, WS Tang. 1995. Research on fermentation of peanut milk by lactic acid bacteria: screening of the  lactic acid bacteria and determination of fermentation. Microbiology, 22(1): 22-28 (In Chinese)
6. DanLing Tang, JN Wu. 1994. Research on fermentation of peanut milk by lactic acid bacteria: physiological and biochemical effects of acid-peanut-milk on experimental rats. Food Science. 1994 (5) (In Chinese)

DanLing Tang, YZ Qi. 1993. Effects of 3H-thymine (Thy) on the structure of micro-nucleolus of Spirogyra cells. Environmental Science Sinica 1993 (6) (In Chinese)

4. DanLing Tang, YZ Qi. 1993. Ultrastructure and 3-dimensional reconstruction of nucleolar fibrous core of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dangeard. Journa of Jinan University, 14 (1) (In Chinese)
3. DanLing Tang, YZ Qi. 1993. Research on radiation effects of tritiated water on cell division rate of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dangeard. ZongQing Environment Science (5) (In Chinese)
2. DanLing Tang, WS TANG. 1992. Isolation and screening of the catalase-producing Lactobacillus and the conditions for enzyme production. Food and Fermentation Industry 1992 (6): 30-33 (In Chinese)
1. DanLing Tang. 1987.Effects of two purified Naja naja atra cardiotoxic MFD and MT-C on isolated frog hearts. Postgraduate Journal of Jinan University, 3 (1) (In Chinese)

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