Welcome Message


Dear Esteemed Colleagues, Distinguished Guests, and Friends,


Welcome to The 7th International Symposium on the South China Sea and Indian Ocean - Ecological Environment (IOSCS 2024). Gathering here in Guangzhou, we are at the heart of marine science innovation, where the Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Guangzhou) (GML) plays a pivotal role in advancing our understanding and management of marine environments.

The GML, established in response to our national directive to enhance oceanographic research and development, has quickly become a cornerstone of China's efforts towards becoming a global marine research power. With our focus on the South China Sea, we have embarked on numerous projects aimed at sustainable resource utilization, ecosystem protection, and technological advancement in marine sciences.

Our lab is at the forefront of addressing some of the most pressing marine ecological challenges, supported by an elite team of scientists and researchers dedicated to the cause of marine conservation and sustainable development. Our efforts are aimed not just at advancing scientific knowledge but also at applying this knowledge towards practical solutions that benefit both humanity and the marine world.

This symposium is a testament to our collective commitment to these goals, providing a platform for sharing insights, fostering collaborations, and driving forward the frontiers of marine science. I am confident that the discussions and exchanges that will take place over the coming days will contribute significantly to our shared objectives.

Let us take this opportunity to deepen our understanding, strengthen our networks, and inspire each other towards greater achievements in marine science. May this symposium be both fruitful and inspiring for all participants.

Thank you for your presence and contribution to making this event a success. I wish you a productive and enjoyable symposium.




Academician,Chinese Academy of Engineering

Director, Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Guangzhou)

