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1. Xia Shaohong, Zhao Fang, Zhao Dapeng, et al. Crustal plumbing system of post-rift magmatism in the northern margin of South China Sea: New insights from integrated seismology. Tectonophysics, 2018, doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2018.07.002

2. Xia Shaohong(#)(*),Cao Jinghe,Sun Jinlong,Lv Jinshui,Xu Huilong,Zhang Xiang,Wan Kuiyuan,Fan Chaoyan,Zhou Pengxiang,Seismogenic Structures of the 2006 ML4.0 Dangan Island Earthquake Offshore Hong Kong,J. Ocean Univ. China,2018,17(1):169~176.

3. Zhou Pengxiang(#),Xia, Shaohong(*),Sun Jinlong,Cao Jinghe,Xu Huilong,Zhao Fang,Chen Chuanxu,Spatial Variations of b-Values in the Coastal Area of Guangdong,J. Ocean Univ.China,2018, 17(1): 177~185.

4. Wan Kuiyuan(#),Sun Jinlong,Xu Huilong,Xie Xiaoling,Xia, Shaohong(*),Zhang Xiang,Cao Jinghe,Zhao Fang,Fan Chaoyan,Seismotectonics of the Taiwan Shoal Region in the Northeastern South China Sea: Insights from the Crustal Structure,J. Ocean Univ. China,2018, 17(1): 156~168.

5. Fan, Chaoyan(#),Xia, Shaohong(*),Zhao, Fang,Sun, Jinlong,Cao, Jinghe,Xu, Huilong,Wan, Kuiyuan,New insights into the magmatism in the northern margin of the South China Sea: Spatial features and volume of intraplate seamounts,Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems,2017, 18(6):2216~2239.

6. Xia, Shaohong(#)(*),Zhao, Dapeng,Sun, Jinlong,Huang, Haibo,Teleseismic imaging of the mantle beneath southernmost China: New insights into the Hainan plume,Gondwana Research,2016, 36:46~56.

7. Xia, Shaohong(#)(*),Shen, Yusong,Zhao, Dapeng,Qiu, Xuelin,Lateral variation of crustal structure and composition in the Cathaysia block of South China and its geodynamic implications,Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,2015, 109:20~28.

8. Xia, Shaohong(#),Sun, Jinlong(*),Huang, Haibo,Degree of serpentinization in the forearc mantle wedge of Kyushu subduction zone: quantitative evaluations from seismic velocity,Marine Geophysical Research,2015, 36(2-3):101~112.

9. Xia, Shaohong(#)(*),Zhao, Dapeng,Late Mesozoic magmatic plumbing system in the onshore-offshore area of Hong Kong: Insight from 3-D active-source seismic tomography,Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,2014, 96:46~58.

10. 夏少红,郭兴伟,黄海波,丘学林,南海岩石层及边界构造的地球物理特征,地球物理学报,2014,(12):3 957~3967.



1. NSFC-广东省联合基金集成项目“华南陆壳结构与南海北部地质过程研究”课题3“南海北部活动断层与结构体系”,U1701641,2018.01-2021.12,主持;

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“南海西北部琼东南盆地深部地壳结构及其构造响应”,41576041,2016.01-2019.12,主持;

3. 中科院先导专项A课题“南海三维地质结构”,2016-2020,主持;

4. 广东省自然科学基金重点项目“粤东南澳外海海域地震活动性与深部发震构造”,2017A030311015,2017.05-2020.05,主持。


2017年,中国地球物理学会“傅承义青年科学奖”; 2015年,广东省特支计划青年拔尖人才; 2014年,中科院卓越青年科学家; 2013年,国家基金委优秀青年基金; 2011年,中国科学院青年创新促进会会员;

版权所有 南海生态环境权益综合研究创新团队

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